Six cards. Two free spectator choices. One mental miracle! The name may be COUNTERFEIT but the reactions are REAL!
Counterfeit is a handling of a packet trick from the devious mind of Stephen Tucker (used with kind permission), with an adapted presentation by Daniel Meadows.
Imagine this:
6 cards are displayed bearing the pictures of some dubious sounding DVD titles
The spectator chooses a DVD for themselves
The spectator then chooses a DVD for you
Despite the spectator making both choices, you can show that they were successful in selecting the 2 cards that are different!
Was it your influence or their intuition? You decide!
Points to remember:
Easy to do!
Resets instantly!
Works every time!
No memory work!
No angle issues!
No tricky language!
Can be performed without a table!
On the accompanying DVD, Daniel Meadows runs you through everything you need to know to be able to add this to your repertoire. Minimal pocket space required; maximum spectator reaction!
NOTE: Included cards are not Bicycle backed as seen in the video demonstration.
Counterfeit is a handling of a packet trick from the devious mind of Stephen Tucker (used with kind permission), with an adapted presentation by Daniel Meadows.
Imagine this:
6 cards are displayed bearing the pictures of some dubious sounding DVD titles
The spectator chooses a DVD for themselves
The spectator then chooses a DVD for you
Despite the spectator making both choices, you can show that they were successful in selecting the 2 cards that are different!
Was it your influence or their intuition? You decide!
Points to remember:
Easy to do!
Resets instantly!
Works every time!
No memory work!
No angle issues!
No tricky language!
Can be performed without a table!
On the accompanying DVD, Daniel Meadows runs you through everything you need to know to be able to add this to your repertoire. Minimal pocket space required; maximum spectator reaction!
NOTE: Included cards are not Bicycle backed as seen in the video demonstration.